Own Exploration (Local Library)

This time students create their own exploration which contained around five students. So the other three students and I have created an exploration called Local Library. The goal of this exploration is to make small library boxes (Khmer and English books) and put it around our community.

In order to accomplish our goal we divided the responsibility into two, finding books which responsible by Visal and Nilroth (me), and building the boxes which responsible by Seyha and Mengthong.  We tried to use as less money as possible on building the boxes and finding books.

Our box is located in front of Liger Learning Center and near the boxes are two benches for people to seat and reads the books. When somebody want to take the books to read they  just come, open the door, take out the books, filled in  their name, age, date and the books title then they are set. When they finish they just have to return it back and put the returned date.

Here is our presentation