Khmer Round I

I was born in Kandal province

I moved to Phnom Penh and lived there ever since

At 9ish I got accepted to Liger

All of a sudden my life become much brighter

I got no idea where this is going




Khmer poems look and sound similar to the first 4 lines of the above poem. There is a structure that needs to be followed: each stanza has to have the same number of line, each line needs to have the same number of words, and rhyming have to be consistent throughout the poem. We spent a lot of time reviewing, editing, and finalizing our Khmer Poetry book. It needed to be done before the Khmer Literature Festival; all the parts managed to join together at the last minute. It turned out really nicely even though it’s not fully finalized.

Chemistry Round I

CHEMISTRY! I get so excited every time I walk into the classroom. I find it to be truly incredible. I got to learn about atom –which make up everything–, electron configuration, emission, and so many more molecular things that I have no idea if it even truly exists or someone just made it up so it can be in the education system –I guess, I’ll never know it! We also did so many labs: testing pH from red cabbage juice, messing around with gums, and working with FLAMES –which is super lit!

Literacy Round I

The first round of English Literacy has been focusing on the American History. Every week we read a new excerpt relating to different historical events such as The Great Depression, The Cause of American Civil War, the Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech, etc. All the excerpts were printed on paper, and attached to them are comprehension-check questions. In class, we discussed in detail, read external sources, and explored vocabulary relating to the excerpt.

I personally feel that in addition to gaining new knowledge, this unit has really enhanced my reading skill for the upcoming SAT.

Math Round I

This school year, my math class will be studying pre-calculus. I know this even before the year began. I came to class on the first day full of excitement about calculus because I’ve asked many questions where my teacher’s answer was that “it has to do with calculus”. That day, I thought I’ll finally get to study and experience its difficulty and awesomeness.

Little did I know, we focused our first math term for the upcoming SAT test. Despite the fact that it’s not something I’d like to do, I have to do it because in order to apply for many scholarships, one of the criteria colleges look at is my SAT score.

Many of the math content in the SAT have already been taught to me. I spent some time studying the rest — of course, with the help of my math teacher.

The majority of the time was spent on developing strategies to answer certain types of questions quickly and correctly. We also did a lot of SAT practice in the math section to get used to the time constraint.