Refuse Plastic_Description

In our exploration we had learned a lots about plastic and plastic problem.  The first few day of our exploration we look at the video and study about the problem of plastic when we burn bury and put it in the landfill. If we bury the plastic it will pollute to the water and soil. But when we put the plastic in landfill the chemical that in the plastic will come out slowly  than the chemical will go to the water way. Also if we put in the landfill it take a lots of space. But if we burn it make co2  and co2 make the climate change. After we learned about the problem of the  plastic we go to BKK market and Lucky market to interview the people about how they use the plastic. Also we went to Cintri company to ask the operations manager about  plastic waste. They also gave us a quick presentation about the waste in Phnom Penh.  We know that in Phnom Penh Cintri had collect 1400 tons to 1500 tons in a day. We also went to the community that around Liger to interview them about the plastic that they use every day. When we go to interview the people in the community we divide into 3 group and every group have 4 people. Also the question that we interview are the same and all of them are yes no question. We do like this because it easy for us to make a pie chart.  After that we research for the way that we can reuse the plastic. We spend two day to research on our computer than we start to make it. Some people works as a team(two people) but some works alone. I worked with Sreypich to make the bottle that can grow the plant in. After I finish making the bottle to grow the plant I start to do others project and that project is to make the broom from the bottle and make the holder. Than I work with Sreypich again to make Hydroponic.

Algebra A Description

Name of Course: Algebra A

Learning Facilitator: Jeff Boucher

Number of Students: 14

Dates: August 12 – January 16

Days we Meet: Monday – Tuesday


Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about Math. This Advanced Enrichment lasted really long and the students had a really hard time working on that. We learned the hard math by learning it step by step. There are many clever students in this class and all of them are very patient. Every day in our class the math got harder and harder but we got smarter as the time kept going. Sometimes we realized that the math that we had learned could be used in real life. The important things that we learned for the whole year were negative numbers, the Greatest Common Factors, linear equations, y=mx+b form or Slope-interception, parabolas, Quadratic formula/equation, etc. All of these math sections were very hard. It is something that people will think that it is hard because they did not try yet and for those people who try they will think it is easy. But for us here we do not think it was hard or easy we were just trying our best.


Zoology B Description

Name of Course: Zoology B

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 8

Days we Meet: Thursday-Friday

Advanced Enrichment Dates: March 30 – June 12

Course Description: In the Zoology class, we studied about animals. We learned about what animals are made out of but it’s not really about physical. We also studied about cells which are all the organisms made out of. The other things that we studied were classification and types of animals (are they vertebrates or invertebrates). We used microscopes to see the cells. Sometimes in the Zoology class, some students found the fungi (mushroom) or the endoskeleton. Then we all had a look under the microscope. While we were studying about the Animal Kingdom, we used some real things like the Sand Dollars and Coral Reef to make us understand more. We used Youtube to see the videos about the things that we didn’t know. Studying Zoology must have some difficult words that we don’t know because we all are studying English and also the words in Zoology are mostly scientific words so it is hard for us. All students enjoy in Zoology because we all like learning about animals and they all are very interesting, especially Echinoderms and Cnidaria.


Robotics 2 Description

Name of Course: Robotics 2

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 13

Advanced Enrichment Dates: Session 2: Oct. 20 – Jan. 16

Days we Meet: Thursday/Friday

Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment class we learned how to build a robot and programming. When we know how to build and program we did some challenges that teacher tell us to do so teacher can know the knowledge of us. We worked as a pair and one group have one computer for program. Robot we build it from a lego brick. We used touch sensor, light sensor, gyro sensor, and ultrasonic sensor to do the challenge. The challenge that teacher gave us to do have like to help a people from a dragon and follow the shape such as a square. When we do a challenge that teacher give us to do is our robot low battery so we need to charge and spend more time on it. Sometimes we need a teacher to help us on programming a robot because it’s a hard part to learn in robot class. When we did a challenge finish at the end of the class we have a sumo game for a robot.


Algebra B Description

Name of Course: Algebra B

Learning Facilitator: Jeff

Number of Students: 12

Dates: August 12-January 16

Days we Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: Our group learns about Algebra. We started to learn about negative numbers and positive numbers. First we started to draw a number line about negative numbers and positive numbers. The other thing we do is graphing numbers. It is the biggest thing we need to learn. Sometimes on weekends we have a homework to do from the teacher because we need to work hard on graphing it. Other important areas are solving hard problems. Some of the problems that we can not do we can ask the best teacher. He will not tell you a answer. He will show you a way to do it easier, faster and correctly. The goal is know all the key words and solve a lot of hard problems. Here are the key words: Coordinate Grid means the equation about graphing on the papers. Linear Equations mean that used Y=mx+b to graph on the graph papers. Slope means Y=mx+b and mx is a slope. Intercept means the place that one line and one line touch each other. Variables mean the letters the represent the number. Solve means to do the equation.

Equations mean the questions that the teacher put for the kids to do. But it a math word.


Robotic 2 Description

Name of Course: Robotics 2

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 13

Advanced Enrichment Dates: Session 2: Oct. 20 – Jan. 16


Days we Meet: Thursday/Friday

Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment class we learned how to build a robot and programming. When we know how to build and program we did some challenges that teacher tell us to do so teacher can know the knowledge of us. We worked as a pair and one group have one computer for program. Robot we build it from a lego brick. We used touch sensor, light sensor, gyro sensor, and ultrasonic sensor to do the challenge. The challenge that teacher gave us to do have like to help a people from a dragon and follow the shape such as a square. When we do a challenge that teacher give us to do is our robot low battery so we need to charge and spend more time on it. Sometimes we need a teacher to help us on programming a robot because it’s a hard part to learn in robot class. When we did a challenge finish at the end of the class we have a sumo game for a robot.


Khmer History Description

Name of Course: Khmer History

Learning Facilitators: Darath and Kimchhel

Days of the Week: Monday and Tuesday

Number of Students: 13

Dates Study: August 12-Oct 17

Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment we divided the group into two. One group learned with Kimchhel and other group learned with Darath. The group that learned with Kimchhel learned about Chenla era (Chela)​ and Preah Bath TroSork Pa-eam era (Dark Ages). But the group that learned with Darath learned about Nokor Phnom era (Funan Empire) and Angkor era (Khmer Empire). At the end of the class both groups shared what they had learned and the group that not yet learned took the notes. Then the teacher asked the group that took the notes about what our friends had told us. Usually we did this for both groups. Also, the group that learned with Kimchhel or with Darath reviewed the things that they had learned from last week. When we learned in Khmer History class we learned a lot about Khmer history. Now we want to tell you one thing from every era. Nokor Phnom era (Funan Empire) was from years 68-550. Chenla era (Chenla) was from years 550-802. Angkor era (Khmer Empire) was from years 802-1431. Preah Bath TroSork Pa-eam era (Dark Ages) was from years 1618-1863.


Community English Description

Exploration Name: Community English

Exploration Dates: August 12th-September 16th

Number of Students: 12

Essential Questions: Is there a best way to teach and learn?

How does knowing English effect change?

Description: Our first opening Exploration was Community English. In Community English we learned how to prepare and teach lessons to other people. But before we taught we needed to find the people who want to learn with us. To find the students we went into the community. After we knew clearly who wanted to come and learn at Liger, we gave the permission to their parents. So all of their parents can trust us. Then they let their child come and learn at Liger.

After we knew exactly who would come to learn, we prepared the lesson for them. When we went to the community to find them we also asked them what do they want to learn and that’s how we can prepare the lesson. When we finished planning the lesson we practiced before teaching students. We practiced with each other in our class. Even if we practiced with each other it does not mean that we are expert or good at it. So we had a trip to two schools. The schools are Northbridge and ICAN. At ICAN we met with one woman named Kate. Kate and Jessica prepared the schedule for us and some ICAN students to tour us around. We went there because we wanted to get experiences from the teachers at their school. Two to three days after that we went to Northbridge. At the end of the Exploration we asked some of the students how they felt and what did they think about our teaching (if its good or not). We gave them the lessons for free.